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Lab-Grown Diamonds

Everything you need to know about lab grown diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds, also known as man-made, cultured, or engineered diamonds, are diamonds created in a laboratory. The same materials and advanced technology are used to replicate the conditions as well as the growing process of how natural diamonds are formed. Nowadays, lab-grown diamonds are becoming more popular due to their similarity to natural diamonds at affordable prices. Find out exactly what lab-grown diamonds are and if they are right for you.

Lab-Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

Due to the exact same physical, chemical, and visual characteristics of man-made diamonds and natural diamonds, it is extremely difficult to differentiate between the two. Lab-grown diamonds possess almost every feature of their natural counterpart, from scintillation to sparkle. However, they have some minor differences in trace elements that can only be detected using specialised equipment by trained gemmologists.

Lab-grown diamonds are not only more affordable but have fewer defects and are purer due to them being created in a controlled environment. This results in a more beautiful diamond.

Lab Grown Diamonds vs Diamond Simulants

Another alternative to lab-grown and mined diamonds is diamond simulants such as cubic zirconia and moissanite. It is much easier to determine the difference between a diamond and a diamond simulant. Although simulated diamonds look similar to lab-grown and mined diamonds, they’re not composed of the same materials or chemical and physical properties. Therefore, their structure, hardness and brilliance are different, resulting in a much lower price compared to diamonds. In fact, cubic zirconia is much softer and will scratch easily whereas moissanite is the hardest of all diamond simulants. However, moissanite can be easily distinguished from diamonds since synthetic moissanite has more fire and double refractive index than diamonds. This is similar to a disco ball effect which makes it look artificial.

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Lab Grown Diamonds are ethically sourced

You may be familiar with the term ‘blood diamonds’ or ‘conflict diamonds’. They are defined by the United Nations (UN) as diamonds mined in areas controlled by rebel forces. They mine and sell diamonds to fund the war against their internationally recognised government. The best way to avoid this is to buy lab-grown diamonds or diamonds that are certified by the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS).

Just remember, when buying lab-grown diamonds, it is essential to ensure that the diamond comes with a gem certification that identifies them as laboratory grown. All our lab-grown diamonds at Diamond Boutique come with this gem certification.

Speak with one of our friendly jewellers to see our range of lab-grown diamonds.

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